Monday, January 31, 2011

Commitment – A Simple but Powerful Tool

By Certified Action Coach Dave Beam
ActionCOACH has 14 points of culture.  These 14 words define who we are and our “rules of the game”.  Our very first point of culture is Commitment.  Here it is as defined by our founder, Brad Sugars:
“I give myself and everything I commit to 100% until I succeed. I am committed to the Vision, Mission, Culture and success of ActionCOACH, its current and future team, and its clients at all times.“

Monday, January 24, 2011

Business Systems –Unlocking the Door to Your Freedom

By Certified Action Coach Dave Beam
I am amazed when I drive past our local McDonalds in the morning. There are days when the cars are lined up around the building, almost into the road!  And what is even more amazing is that most of those people will be served a consistent hot breakfast for under ten dollars by teenagers who likely didn’t even make their bed!

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Deal With a Bad Habit - What You Resist Persists!

By Certified Action Coach Dave Beam
All of us have successfully (or unsuccessfully) tried to rid ourselves of a bad habit.  People often ask me why it is so difficult to change a bad habit.  There are probably as many answers and theories to answer that question as there are bad habits!  Often folks hide behind the story or excuse that “if I just knew why I did this, then I could quit”.  Not true!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Identity Iceberg

Today I want to share one of the most powerful concepts in the Action Coach toolbox, the Identity Iceberg.  Understanding this concept will help you achieve the results you want from yourself and your team.
The Identity Iceberg…
(this is not the traditional flipchart, I had to format it for the newsletter –ed.)
                       R E S U L T S<-------------HAVE
                                   DO-------------->ACTIONS & DECISIONS
(water line)-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-(water line)
Take a look at the flipchart and note that it is a picture of an iceberg.  How much of an iceberg is above the water or visible?  Probably only around 10%.  That is the portion of the iceberg that you normally see.  What is it that is normally visible in a person?  It is their BEHAVIOR, ACTIONS, and DECISIONS – or what they DO.  What I DO produces RESULTS, or what I HAVE.  But if I want to produce a sustained, long term change in what I DO (my BEHAVIOR, ACTIONS, and DECISIONS), I really need to look below the surface at what produces and drives what I do.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Time to Take Out the Head Trash!

By Certified Action Coach Dave Beam
Has there ever been a time in your life when you lived somewhere and let the trash accumulate?  I’m not just talking about garbage, but also clutter – old newspapers, broken devices, expired coupons, stuff, junk, and debris.  And did you finally clean it all out, and create some clean new space?  How did that make you feel?  Probably energized and ready to work.
In business today, if you want to be your best, you need to learn to regularly remove the trash not only from your workplace, but from your head!  The mind is like a garden.  We plant seeds, cultivate those seeds as they grow and eventually reap a harvest.  Your mind is a field ready to produce a harvest.  Your creative ideas are the seeds that are sewn that can produce a crop.  And then come the weeds – the head trash – the worries, and fears, and doubts, and overwhelm, and frustration, and discouragements.  What must you do with this garden clutter if you want to reap a healthy crop?  You must relentlessly pull it up and throw it out!