Monday, August 30, 2010

“The Nightmare of Myth and Expectation” - The Seven Levels - Part 1

By Action Coach Dave Beam
I have begun a series on the seven levels of relationship.  As I work with teams of people, most problems and challenges arise from a weak communication and shallow relationships.  This simple model illustrates the progressive upward shift in a relationship that can move it from an immature level of miscommunication and misunderstanding to a rich and productive level of connection based on shared understanding.  Over the next several newsletters, I will be giving out practical tools to help you produce a positive shift with your team.  Enjoy and take action!

Today I want to consider the two lower levels of relationship, myth and expectation.  When building strong relationships with others, it is good to recognize the enemies.  Relationships based on myth and expectations are fraught with difficulty.  The drama is generally high, and often moves from apathy and a low level tension to outbursts and emotional events. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Seven Levels of Relationship: Introduction

By Action Coach Dave Beam
Communication and relationships go hand-in-hand. As a business owner, manager, or leader of any organization, communicating well is all about building strong relationships with those you work with.  Today, I want to offer a model that illustrates the progressive growth of a strong relationship. It begins with a level of myth where there is little information and comfort, and ends with a high level of accountability and trust.  Each week we will examine each level a little more in depth, and then tie it all together. Once we have developed these seven levels, we will be better prepared to talk about how effective communication can help move your relationships forward. I don’t intend this to be esoteric or theoretical.  In fact, I use this model all the time to build results oriented teams.  In the coming weeks, I will be providing practical examples for each level, and show you how to progressively build strong relationships.  Enjoy the overview.  I welcome your feedback and comments via e-mail.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Communication - It’s the Response You Get

By Action Coach Dave Beam
As a business coach, I interview employees, managers, and business owners on a regular basis.  One of the questions that I ask is “What is Your Biggest Team Challenge?”  Most of the time, the answer that comes back is, “We need better communication”.

Apart from further investigation, that response has limited value.  What most people mean when they say they need better communication is that there are unresolved issues and disconnects within the organization that are causing an unproductive and unhappy place to work.  Further questioning often reveals a lack of trust that leads to limited accountability and a culture of blame.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Procrastination – A Story You Need to Drop Right Now!

By Action Coach Dave Beam
Last week we hopefully debunked some ideas about overwhelm.  This week, I want to help free you from another ball and chain – procrastination.
What is procrastination?  Is it a disease?  A virus?  A genetic tendency?  The word does seem to ring with psychological neurotic tones.  This is one of those sophisticated euphemistic labels that makes us feel better about lousy choices.  Perhaps you are one who hides behind that fancy word, procrastination.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Overcoming the Myth of Overwhelm

By Action Coach Dave Beam
Many times I start a coaching session by asking my client “What is currently your biggest challenge or problem?”  Often this is the story I hear, “Dave, I just have too much to do and not enough time.  I’m so far behind, I feel like I’ll never catch up.  I have so many people expecting so much from me.  I work and work and just can’t seem to satisfy them.  I’M OVERWHELMED.”  Is that sometimes your story?  Do you relate?  If so, I have great news.  You can be set free from overwhelm today!  If you want to know how, read on!