Monday, December 28, 2009

Six Keys to a Winning Team Key #2 – Common Goal

By Action Coach Dave Beam

Do you have a clear vision for your business or department? The second key for a winning team is to have a common goal. To win the game as a team, it is essential for everyone to share a clearly defined target, and it is the responsibility of the leader to effectively communicate that goal to the team.

Once you have a strong leader that has the respect of the team, the next logical question is "Where are we going?"

Monday, December 21, 2009

Six Keys to a Winning Team! Key #1 – Strong Leadership

By Action Coach Dave Beam

As a business coach, I often get asked by business owners and management staffs how they can get their employees to work together, quit blaming each other for problems, and take more ownership for their job. My response is often a bit abrasive. I ask the owner if he or she meets regularly one-on-one with their employees, if they blame their employees for problems, and if they truly take full ownership and accountability for what is going on in the business. It is interesting that the employees are a reflection of the owner.

Monday, December 14, 2009

How to Create a Marketing Plan that Works! (Part 4 of 4)

By Action Coach Dave Beam
If you are with us in creating your winning marketing plan, you have identified your ideal target customers, and you know where to find them, especially in groups.  You have also brainstormed a list of offers that you think will get their attention, get them excited, and compel them to take some action to get some more information from you.  So the last question to answer is how; how are you going to communicate this offer to your ideal target?

Monday, December 7, 2009

How to Create a Marketing Plan that Works! (Part 3 of 4)

By Action Coach Dave Beam
We are right in the middle of a series on how to create a marketing plan that actually brings in new customers!  If you are new to our newsletter, just e-mail and ask us for Parts 1 and 2.  Part 1 was about addressing THE most important question to ask in marketing, “Who is my best customer?”  Last week, we asked “Where can you find these customers?”  Where do they gather in groups?
So today, the next question is “What is your offer?”  Specifically, what can you offer your ideal customer that will get their attention, get them excited, and compel them to take action?  Many will say this is obvious.  It must be whatever my product or service is – that’s what I have to offer, right?  Certainly, that is your ultimate offer.  However, if you want a marketing strategy that works, you need to do a little more thinking and creative work.  Answer this question.  What are the UNIQUE features and benefits that ONLY you can offer?  Focus on the benefits, not just features.