Monday, May 9, 2011

Intention and Attention

By Action Coach Dave Beam
Here are two powerful words that sound much alike, and they are related.
INTENTION: It’s my stated purpose. It’s what I affirm I want. It includes my goals and my aspirations. Intention come from INside and it is created. It doesn’t just happen, but it is a choice.
ATTENTION: It’s where I put my focus. It’s what has my presence and my energy in a given moment. It’s where I invest my activity. Attention is outside. It is where I am and what I am with. It is what I do.

If I have no intention, or purpose, then my attention is dictated by the latest problem or circumstance. In this situation, life is full of drama and overwhelm, drowning in a sea of one thing after another. With no destination or purpose, I fight to survive in a raging sea as I am tossed about, or I drown in a hot tub of comfort and lethargy.
This is the life of disappointment. It is the life of dreams and wishes with no action. It is all talk and no do. I intend to have that conversation, I intend to lose 20 pounds, I say that I want something, but don’t act in accordance with my verbiage. Intention with no attention is no integrity. This is a sayer but not a doer. He is sometimes entertaining to listen to, but rarely a good leader.
This is when I know what I want, and I am clear about what I am going for. I have more than wishes or dreams, I have projects. I invest the time and discipline to get clarity in my life and my business, and then turn that clarity into an action plan, and then practices that action plan every day. I begin each day with the end in mind, and then keep my attention in my intention.
So my question for you as we go into 2011: Do you want to create some amazing outcomes this year? If so, first create a clear INTENTION, and then a clear written action plan so that you can invest your full attention on that intention. Remember: CLEAR INTENTION + ATTENTION = RESULTS. I am here to help you create and clarify your intention, produce an action plan and then execute the plan. Let’s do something outlandish together this year!

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