Monday, February 8, 2010

You Just Can’t Find Good Employees – Part 2

By Action Coach Dave Beam
As promised, this week I am going to start to share the basics of the Action Coach hiring process.  It is based on the principle of de-selection.
Most traditional hiring processes are about choosing the best candidate by conducting a thorough examination of each qualified candidate, often starting with a resume.  There are several challenges with this traditional approach.
If you consider several candidates, it takes a significant investment of time.  Also, most would admit that screening on the basis of resumes is tedious and ineffective.  The traditional interview process is biased toward the selection of the person who interviews well!  How many people have you interviewed that surprised you around week 2 or 3 (or the first day) on the job?  Shall I continue in my critique, or proceed to the first step for a much better way?  I shall proceed.
The first step in our de-selection process is marketing to attract a large number of candidates.  This is often the biggest challenge in our process, and is worthy of much attention.  The key question that must be asked is "WHO" the ideal person is for your company and for the position.  This "profile" needs to be based on four components, Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit.  The last two, Heart and Spirit, are often ignored in the hiring process, but are often the reason that a team member fails to make it in an organization.
1. Body - what are the physical demands of the job (endurance and physical strength) - Travel? Location? Schedule?
2. Mind - what are the intellectual and knowledge requirements (education, experience, license, training)
3. Heart - Is this a person of integrity, honesty, and dependability.  Can this person be trusted by others and will be responsible and an open book?
4. Spirit - Does this person have a passion for the work and opportunity and organizational direction and goals?  Do they have drive and energy and attitude in line with your culture and values?
It is essential that your "marketing" addresses each of the four areas.  You need to ask for exactly what you want.  The headline of your advertisement/flyer/script might be something like this:
"If you are the branch store manager we are looking for, you will be energetic, love people, embrace long work days, and enjoy leading others and working in a fast paced team environment."
You might say that such a headline would frighten away many candidates - GREAT!  You have already begun the de-selection process.  We want as many no's as possible!
Next week we'll finish Step 1, marketing, and examine Step 2, Phone De-selection.

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