Monday, November 23, 2009

How to Create a Marketing Plan that Works! (Part 1 of 4)

By Action Coach Dave Beam

I am going to do a four part series starting with this newsletter on how to create a marketing plan that works.  This is actually pulled from the marketing module of "BusinessRICH" our premier 2-day paid training. All that to say this is fantastic stuff!
The first key point in creating a great marketing plan is asking the most effective questions in the right order.  Most business owners, barraged by advertising representatives, believe that the most important issue in marketing is the how.  Should I use TV, radio, newspaper, website, internet, flyers, direct mail, etc. etc.  If so, which paper, which flyer, which ball team, which charity, new business cards and on and on it goes. Although these are legitimate questions, they are not the first questions that need to be asked.  The “how am I going to do it” is one of the last questions to answer.
The very first and most important question is “WHO.”  Who is your best customer?  Who do you want to attract to your business?  It is imperative for you to know everything you can about your ideal customer.  How old are they?  Man or woman?  What do they read?  Where do they shop other than your company?  Where do they live?  What are their hobbies?  Where do they eat out?  What are their leisure activities?  What is their family and social activities?  Who are their friends?  What are the biggest frustrations and needs in their lives?  What do they enjoy doing?  Where do they vacation?  What do they look for in a company or business to supply what you do?  Why do they love to do business with you?
The first step in creating an effective marketing plan is to identify your ideal customer, and get to know as much about them as you possibly can.  One of the best ways to answer the “who” question is to determine WHO your best customer is now. Make a list of your best customers and take them out to a nice dinner or lunch for the purpose of interviewing them.  Let them know how much you appreciate their business and that you are looking for more people just like them.  While you are out having fun with them, listening to them, thanking them, celebrating with them, then you can also ask for referrals.  WHO do they know that would love to do business with you?  Your best customers love to refer you.  They want their friends and associates to enjoy the benefits of your business like they have.
So get into ACTION!  Make a list of your best customers, get on the phone, and set up some celebration meetings.  Prepare some questions ahead of time, and take great notes.  Once you have a list of what characterizes your best customer you will be ready for the next step.  We’ll consider step 2 next week!

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