Monday, September 28, 2009

Juggling Elephants - “Comments on a book by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig”

By Action Business Coach Dave Beam

I read a book this weekend that really helped me simplify the concept of goal setting and priorities.  The book is “Juggling Elephants” by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig. 

It was a refreshing follow up from another book I am listening to by David Allen, called “Making It All Work” (a sequel to his classic “Getting Things Done”).  Mr. Allen definitely has the most comprehensive system for organizing life and business that I have ever found.  I have been using several of his concepts for myself and also a few clients with some wonderful results.

With that stated, however, it was fun to read the elephant book in about 45 minutes and walk away with some simple but powerful ideas.  I tend to gravitate toward simplicity and action oriented concepts.  Frankly, it is my livelihood to be sure that my customers get results in the real world.  So let me share a couple of key points from this simple book.

The first point is that no one, including yourself, is thrilled with the performance of trying to juggle elephants!  How about you?  Do you feel that in the circus of life, you are trying to do something that is bizarre and impossible?  The fact is, you really can’t juggle elephants, so get out of denial and stop trying!  You must create a realistic plan that makes sense!  Trying to achieve unrealistic expectations is just “not a good thing”.  Please don’t misunderstand.  As a coach I’m all about stretch goals and dreaming big.  And the way to reach those big goals and realize those outlandish dreams is one realistic step at a time!  You need to make each step to the top achievable.

Another major point in this book is that the ringmaster (that’s you) cannot be in all three rings at one time.  You have a work/career ring, a relationship ring (others), and a personal self ring.  To have a great circus, you must have a quality act going on in all three rings.  And when you are in one ring, you can’t be in the other two at the same time.  In simple terms, this is choosing to be present wherever you are at that moment.  If you are with your spouse or child, BE THERE 100%.  If you are relaxing and renewing your strength, TURN OFF THE CELL PHONE.  If you are working with a client, GIVE THEM YOUR FULL ATTENTION.  This is only achievable if you invest the time to plan (line up the acts).

There are several other great lessons on relationships, priorities, and personal renewal.  It is a fun read that will really stimulate some great thinking.  One great big overarching theme of this book that is congruent with David Allen’s system is that personal effectiveness is rooted in great planning and organization.  You must commit to a consistent planning system if you want your life to reflect your deepest values and priorities.  It’s challenging to do, but I have found it easier than I thought it would be.  The results are worth it for sure!

Also, I would love to help you get some clarity and develop a system that will work for you.  Give me a call if you want to get started!

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